We are the leading editorial service providers with a bouquet of offerings that guarantee 100% academic excellence. Our commitment to complete every task before deadline makes us stand apart from the crowd.
Our founders are well-renowned academicians and researchers with a vision to create highest quality research documents at the doctoral level, as well as for journal publications. We help scholars by giving the requisite support and assistance at editing stage of academic research. We are the team that guides scholars for editing their documents. Our PhD editors are appointed as per domain knowledge requirement and they directly communicate with scholars when required.
We are the preferred service provider when it comes to urgent editing, chapter wise editing, technical editing, and manuscript editing and formatting. Our clients value the editing certificate awarded by us which serves as their sole quality assurance.
Our executives are cooperative and answer to all online queries within a few hours. So post your query with document details and we will get in touch soon.
858 projects completed
98% success rateKatherine is a literature postgraduate and has a knack for academic writing. She has worked and helped close to 800 PhD and Master’s candidates in communicating well in their academic documents. She is the lead editor at Atkins Editing and has maintained an above average track record of delivering impeccable edits.
645 projects completed
97% success rateDr. Koush earned his Ph.D at Florida State University in 1992. He has been instrumental in forming editorial style sheets, process of edits and formatting compliance at Atkins Editing. Dr. Koush has been adjunct professor at Graduate School of Education at St. Mary’s College of California.
417 projects completed
97% success rateDr. Stacey has Ph.D in creative writing literature from the University of Houston. Dr. Stacey has worked with students from Arts, Humanities and social science for the past 12 years. She is a Pro editor at Atkins editing and combs academic documents with unmatched accuracy for linguistics.